Barbara Saph
Personal Development, Confidence and Emotional Well-being Coach
Advanced Hypnotherapist
Coach and Mentor,
Master EFT Practitioner and Trainer
Intuitive, holistic advanced energy healing specialist.
Ready to help you build the life that truly reflects the authentic you that you really are.
Clearing those emotional blocks and life limiting beliefs that keep us stuck.
Lack of confidence and low self esteem
The impact of Isolation
Finding more Happiness and Joy in your life
Public Speaking Confidence
Reducing Anxiety and Panic
Handling Stress
Changing Negative Though Patterns and Language
Self Sabotage
Struggling with Today's World
Becoming More Positive
Controlling Fears and Phobias
Media Overwhelm
Clearing Old Limiting Beliefs
Ending Unhelpful Habits
Generational Patterns
Improving Creativity
Improving Performance
Controlling Overwhelming Emotions
Dealing with so called 'Toxic and Narcissistic' People
Embracing change and improving motivation
Making Decisions more easily
There is one thing that is certain……EVERYTHING CHANGES!
How you manage these changes can make the difference in how your life plays out.
How is working for you?
Some changes are ‘good’ some are perceived as ‘bad’ some are challenging and some are really easy, but often change means you are pushed outside the security of your own comfort zone and experience thoughts, feelings and emotions that you need help to sort out, before, during or after the changes.
People can experience lots of different thoughts, feelings and emotions over their lifetimes which may be labelled for you as mind or physical conditions, but rarely feelings and emotions related.
Some can be dealt with, some you can just learn to ‘live with’ but others never seem to go away no matter what you try.
We often fail to notice how we don’t or can’t deal with our emotions, thoughts and feelings and just try to hide them from others and ourselves, leaving them trapped in our bodies, we often fail to connect an unpleasant or traumatic event to subsequent ‘dis’ease in our body or mind.
Our bodies and minds are designed to work in harmony with a third element: the soul or the spirit.
The Magic 3: Mind, Body, Soul
The Mind is your Thoughts
The Body is your Emotions and Feelings
The Soul/Spirit is your Intuition.
The Soul is our hotline to higher level consciousness, whatever you choose to call that.
Working with all three elements combined gives you access to the greatest potential for your life.

Does the past still control your life, are you haunted by old memories that won't go away, are you still living someone else's beliefs? I can help you stop fighting the past, learn from it and look to the future free of outworn beliefs. We need our history to understand our present.
Are you still running an unhelpful generational patterns or carrying ancestral traumas that you are not aware are influencing you?
I can help you identify and clear these.
Are you living in the present or are you allowing your stress and fears to keep you from experiencing a life full of joy and happiness.
Are you holding on to old grudges instead of accepting that we are all human and we all make mistakes, perfection only exists in a dictionary.
Are you blaming and judging others instead of taking responsibility for your own situation.
I can help you start to look at the people and situations in your like with more compassion, improve the way you communicate and start to build better open, honest and supportive relationships
I can help you start to find the motivation and strength to start to make positive changes and take back control in your life.
Are you spending your valuable time worrying about what the future might have in store for you, are you afraid to try new things.
I can help you move forward into the future with less fear and with more optimism, excitement and joy.
As Henry Ford famously said "If you think you can or think you can't you are right.